Tandem: French Mystery Series Set In Montpellier
Tandem, a French mystery series, is set in Montpellier, France. Each episode gives viewers a glimpse of French life and culture in the city.
Tandem, a French mystery series, is set in Montpellier, France. Each episode gives viewers a glimpse of French life and culture in the city.
Cherif is a French TV mystery series set in Lyon, France. The lead character, Cherif, is unorthodox in his approach to crime.
The War is Over is a compelling, newly-released, eight-part Italian miniseries based on the true story of young, Jewish children rescued from concentration camps.
If you are pining to visit Italy, you’ll enjoy the Sorelle TV miniseries, one of a number of excellent RAI productions that can transport viewers there, virtually.
The Italian TV series, Detective Montalbano, is the perfect pandemic antidote for anyone who loves Italy and isn’t able to travel there right now.